Regular abstract submission for ESHG 2025 will open in December 2024.

The final deadline for abstract submission was Thursday, January 30, 2025, 23.59 hrs CET.
Notifications about the outcome of the abstract assessment will be sent to all presenting authors on March 20, 2025.

Important Information on the Selection Process

All abstracts are peer-reviewed and ranked on the basis of scientific merit by experts in the category selected. The Scientific Programme Committee uses these rankings to develop the scientific sessions. Abstracts are assigned to either plenary, concurrent or poster sessions.

The ESHG 2024 conference has 3 types of acceptance for submissions:

  • Oral Presentation: Presenter must attend the in-person conference to present their work as an in-person oral presentation. In addition, the presentation will be live streamed, recorded and made available as on-demand content on the virtual conference platform.
  • Hybrid Poster: Presenter must attend the in-person conference to present their poster during one of the “Poster Viewing with Author” sessions. In addition, the presenter must upload a PDF version of their poster to the virtual conference platform.
  • E-Poster: Presenter must present their work virtually by uploading their poster as a PDF document to the virtual platform. Presenter must register for the conference and can decide to either attend in-person or online.

The format of acceptance will depend on the scoring result of the respective abstract and your selected preferred option.
Submitters will be informed about the format of their abstract in their e-mail acceptance notification.


  • The presentation at the conference (in-person or online) is the condition for the publication of the abstract in the electronic supplement of the European Journal of Human Genetics. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal after the conference.
  • By submitting an abstract submitters agree that their personal data are being saved and used by the organiser in order to process the submission, enable the presentation at the conference and the publication of the abstract in the Journal.
  • You may be presenting author of only one paper, but co-author of any number of abstracts.
  • Multiple submissions with identical presenting authors will be automatically rejected.
  • Identical submissions from different first authors will also be automatically rejected.
  • Abstracts containing no results or structure will be rejected.


Abstracts considered to be of particular interest to the media may be selected for press releases. In this case, you will be contacted by the Society’s media consultant. Please note that once your work has been published it cannot be considered as a candidate for a press release.