
These Terms & Conditions for delegates apply to every person registering as a regular delegate (ESHG member/non-member, post-graduate trainee/counsellor/student) for the European Human Genetics Conference 2025 (ESHG 2025), to be held in Milan, Italy and online from May 24-27, 2025 (hereafter referred to as “the conference”), organised by the Wiener Medizinische Akademie GmbH (hereafter referred to as “the conference organisers”).

All references to a date or a deadline, mentioned in these terms and on other conference documents, refer to the Central European Time Zone (CET/CEST).

Conference participation and registration

Registration Fee Deadlines

The selected registration fees are only applicable if they have been paid to the conference account before the according deadlines. Registering without performing an actual payment before the respective deadline will automatically set your balance to the applicable higher fee.

The deadlines are as follows:
Reduced fee deadline: April 10, 2025
Regular fee deadline: May 08, 2025
Late fee: from May 09- May 27, 2025

Participation mode

There will be two different types of participation mode: in- person and online. Delegates need to decide on their participation mode during the registration process and purchase the respective ticket(s). A change of participation mode will result in a cancellation and new ticket purchase. By doing so, all fees, cancellation deadlines and general deadlines need to be respected.

The in-person participation include entry to all conference sessions, corporate satellites, the exhibition and poster area, the networking mixer, coffee breaks, the opening session, the closing session, provided that sufficient seating space is available. In addition, they allow access to the virtual conference platform. Please note that the security personnel of the conference centre / staff onsite are responsible for granting or denying access to conference halls in case of overfilling, according to room capacities and national legislation. The conference organisers cannot guarantee available space in every session.

The online participation include access to the virtual conference platform, live-streamed sessions, digital posters, corporate satellites and sponsor content (if available).

Free access for 6 months to all available recorded conference on-demand content through the virtual conference platform will be given to in-person and online delegates. Content will only made available on-demand based on the presenter’s agreement.

All tickets include the applicable VAT. If the VAT debt for an interactive online live-stream participation is transferred to the buyer / delegate in case of non-Austrian entrepreneurs (Reverse-Charge), the conference organisers will issue a reverse charge invoice. In this case, the buyer / delegate is responsible for calculating, declaring and paying the applicable local VAT.

Registration process and documentation

Only fully completed online registrations will be accepted. A confirmation of payment will be sent to you upon receipt of payment in full. If the full payment has not been received before the deadline indicated, the registration will remain valid, however your registration fee will be increased according to the payment period (early/regular/late).

To be able to register as a student or postgraduate trainee, individuals must present proof of fulltime enrolment at a recognised university or college or an according programme (i.e. student ID, confirmation of head of department, etc.) either by uploading their student ID during registration or by sending a scan of the ID via e-mail immediately after completing the registration process. Participants registering as Counsellors, Technicians, Medical Residents or Post-Docs will need to upload a documents to proof their profession and years of experience. Delegates registering as a member will need to provide their ESHG membership number.

Registration confirmation/payment order/invoice

A registration confirmation/payment order will be sent by e-mail after the purchase of a ticket and when the related payment and necessary documents have been received by the registration department. Delegates may be requested to present this registration confirmation/payment order at the registration counter as proof of their registration and payment.

Conference Materials

The conference organisers cannot guarantee that a conference bag and other conference materials will be available for in-person late registrations. All conference materials will be distributed on-site and only to in-person delegates. If the maximum delegate capacity is reached at the conference venue, the conference organisers reserve the right to refuse additional in-person registrations. At this point only interactive online live-stream participation will be possible.

Methods of payment

Payments should be made in advance and in EUR only, using a credit card or by bank transfer. All payments for tickets have to be settled EXCLUSIVELY prior to the event by credit card or bank transfer. Cash payments will not be accepted onsite. Onsite it will only be possible to pay with credit cards. Participation in the conference is only possible with a paid ticket. It is imperative that you indicate the payment order number, registration number and the delegate’s full name as a reference on all bank transfers.

The option to select bank transfer as your preferred method of payment will only be available until May 06, 2025. After this day, only credit card payments are accepted. If we have not received your bank transfer payment by May 14, 2025, the conference organisers cannot guarantee timely access to the conference as a whole (virtual conference platform and venue).

Registration name changes

Name changes to existing conference registrations are not possible.

Lost badges on-site

The conference name badge must be worn at all times during the conference. Access to the conference venue will not be granted without the name badge issued by the conference organiser. If a delegate loses, misplaces or forgets the name badge, a handling fee of EUR 50 will be charged for a new name badge. Upon handing out a new name badge, the lost badge will be deactivated and becomes invalid.

Cancellation policy

Notice of cancellation (e.g. in case of sickness, lack of funding or any other personal reasons) must be made in writing by e-mail to the ESHG Conference organisers:

The notification must include all relevant information regarding the bank account to which a possible refund may be remitted. The cancellation will not be effective until a written acknowledgement from the ESHG Conference organisers is received. Please note that a refund will only be made to the person acquiring a ticket and not to the named delegate if different from the original buyer. The refund will only be made to the bank account or credit card from which the payment originated.

Registration fees may be refunded if written cancellation if received as follows:

until April 10, 2025                                  75% refund
between April 11-May 08, 2025         25% refund
as of May 09, 2025                                  no refund

The date of the email receipt will be the basis for considering refunds. The refund will only be made to the bank account or credit card from which the payment originated. Refunds will be made after the conference.

No refunds will be granted for unattended events or early termination of attendance, in case of cancellation of speakers or any other incidents during the conference, which are beyond the control of the conference organisers. By registering to the ESHG 2025, delegates agree that neither the organising committee nor the conference organisers assume any liability whatsoever. Delegates are requested to make their own arrangements for health and travel insurance. The conference fee does not include insurance. Cancellations made after the last deadline (May 08, 2025) cannot be refunded for any reason.

Cancellation of the conference

In the event that the hybrid conference cannot be held or is postponed due to events beyond the control of the conference organisers (force majeure), including but not limited to pandemic or epidemic situations, or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence of the conference organisers, the conference organisers cannot be held liable by delegates for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as but not limited to transportation costs, accommodation costs, costs for additional orders, financial losses, etc.

Under these circumstances, the conference organisers reserve the right to either retain the entire payment and to credit it for a future conference, or to reimburse the buyers of the tickets after deducting costs already incurred for the organisation of the conference and which could not be recovered from third parties.

Modification of the programme

The conference organisers reserve the right to modify the programme. No refunds can be granted in case of cancellation of speakers, lack of space in the conference room or any other incidents during the conference which are beyond the control of the conference organisers. The delegate will be informed in time of any changes, postponements or cancellations. In case the conference is changed to a virtual format, all delegates can consume the services and content offered digitally via an interactive online live-stream, which represents an equivalent replacement for the services and content offered on-site.

Letter of Invitation

Individuals requiring an official Letter of Invitation from the conference organisers can request one through the online registration form or by contacting the ESHG 2025 conference office. To receive a Letter of Invitation, delegates must first register to the conference and submit any necessary data, as stated on the online form. The Letter of Invitation does not financially obligate the conference organisers in any way. All expenses incurred in relation to the conference, the registration and the attendance are the sole responsibility of the delegate.

Visa requirements

It is the sole responsibility of the delegate to take care of his/her visa requirements. Delegates who require an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the application procedure. Delegates should contact the nearest German embassy or consulate to determine the appropriate timing of their visa applications.
Note: German embassies and consulates-general are independent decision-making agencies for visas. You cannot appeal against the rejection of a visa application, neither can the ESHG or the conference organisers intervene on your behalf in case of a rejection or to speed up the procedure.

Delegate registration details will be shared with the German immigration authorities to assist in the immigration process. However, the conference organisers will not directly contact embassies and consulates on behalf of visa applicants.

The registration fee minus a handling fee of EUR 50 will be refunded after the conference if the visa was applied for in time and proof is shown that a visa could not be granted even though all requested documents were submitted. Refund requests must be made in writing and sent to the conference office by email, no later than May 27, 2025.

Travel health-insurance: Individuals must have Schengen travel-health insurance for the duration of their stay. This insurance can be obtained from any approved insurer. Individuals need to check with the responsible embassy/consulate for a list of approved insurers available in their country. The visa will only be given for the dates that are covered by the insurance policy, which need to relate to the travel dates.

COVID-19 Measures

To avoid the spread of Covid-19 and to guarantee a safe conference for our delegates and industry partners, the conference organisers will strictly follow the rules stated at the time as issued by the German authorities. In addition, the conference organisers have the right to implement even stricter regulations.

For the duration of the conference, any legal regulations in force at the time of the event shall apply. Prior to the conference, delegate must inform themselves of all regulations on the official websites of the German embassy or consulate in your country. With your registration and participation in the conference, you engage to comply with the applicable regulations.

Please note, that regulations can change at short notice. Be aware that travel regulations may differ from country to country.

By registering to the ESHG 2025 Conference, the delegates agree to comply with all the national regulations and those stipulated by the ESHG conference organisers. Please visit the official websites below for updated requirement by the Italian and Milan authorities:

Photographs & Videostreaming

The conference organisers may without the further consent of the delegates use and release pictures and videos taken during the conference onsite for reports of the conference and/or in future marketing materials. By registering to the conference, delegates agree that photographs, sound or video recordings taken during the conference onsite that could include recognizable images or voices of those in attendance may be posted on the conference website. All recordings are treated sensitively and discreetly. Names will not be published. The conference is held in a public space, therefore we do not prohibit delegates, exhibitors, sponsors, or news organisations from photographing, video or audio-taping some conference activities. The conference organisers reserve the right to use images taken at the conference with your photograph and/or likeness on social media and/or in future marketing materials. The conference organisers are NOT responsible for individual attendee’s use of your image or likeness.

Data protection and sharing of contact details

Personal data
The protection of your data and the observance of your right of informational self-determination with regard to the collection, processing and use of your personal data are important to us. For further information on data protection please visit “general data protection regulations”
The conference organisers will collect and store all personal data for the preparation and execution of the European Human Genetics Conference 2025 (ESHG 2025). In accordance with data protection and other applicable laws, sensitive data will be deleted after the conference, whereas personal data, payment history and correspondence will be stored for the period prescribed by law (currently 7 years).
As a rule the conference organisers will not store any credit card data.
In order to facilitate border entry and visa applications, the organiser will share contact details of concerned delegates with German immigration authorities, only if required by the authorities.

Further use of your data:

Your consent provided, the conference organisers will contact you with regular newsletters ahead and during the meeting (e.g. ‘Daily News’, information on the availability of the conference app), with an invitation to complete a post conference survey after the conference, as well as with annoucements of future ESHG conferences. You may unsubscribe of these mailings at any time, this will not affect official correspondence from the conference office.

Emailings on behalf of third parties
Consent provided, the organiser periodically performs e-mailings to delegates on behalf of third parties regarding activities at the conference or other communications, which may be of interest to professionals in the field (e.g. information on corporate satellites). Email contact details of delegates will not be passed on to third parties in this context.
You may unsubscribe of these e-mailings at any time, this will not affect official correspondence from the conference secretariat.

Lead retrieval system
A number of exhibitors and sponsors will be using a lead retrieval system linked to the participant data base and may ask you to scan your badge in order to obtain your contact information (‘replacing a business card swap’). This information contains name, last name, postal address, institution, demographics and email as provided during the registration process.
The organisers ask for your permission to pass on the data to the exhibitor during registration. Please note that, should you opt-out at the time of registration, but agree to have your badge scanned during the conference, this consent will overrule the original opt-out.
Obviously the scanning of your badge should always happen on a volountary basis. Please do report any misuse of the scanning device to the exhibition management.

Our full Data Protection policy can be found here.


The conference organisers shall be held liable in the framework of a duty of care as a respectable businessman according to statutory provisions. The liability of the conference organisers – for whatever legal reason – shall be limited to intent and gross negligence. The liability of commissioned service providers shall remain unaffected by this. The delegate shall take part in the conference at his/her own risk. Oral agreements shall not be binding if these have not been confirmed in writing by the ESHG or the conference organisers.

By purchasing a non-transferrable ticket for the ESHG 2025, delegates agree that neither the organising committee nor the conference organisers assume any liability whatsoever. Delegates are requested to make their own arrangements for health and travel insurance. The non-transferrable ticket does not include insurance.

Fulfilment and jurisdiction

The terms of this contract shall be fulfilled in Milan, Italy without applying international law and, in the event of any legal claims arising from either party, Vienna, Austria shall be the sole court of jurisdiction.

General Terms and Conditions as per October 2024.